diy wall decor from paper: cute tangram cactus super easy and fun to make (free printable) / PaperShape #papershape #diy #walldecor

Wall decor diy from paper: cute tangram cactus

I love cacti. They are super easy to care for and still:

In my office they won't make it. That is why I rather craft them from paper and hang them as a cute diy wall decor. I love how the colors pop and if you want to create different tangrams then you will find tons of pictures online.

And just in case if you are like me, you may also want to craft a 3D cactus to put on the desk which you can order in my shop.

Stylish wall decor from paper: tangram ideas

diy wall decor from paper: cute tangram lama super easy and fun to make (free printable) / PaperShape #papershape #diy #walldecor

You can make a lot of trendy animals with tangram. Like this lama here..

diy wall decor from paper: cute tangram flamingo super easy and fun to make (free printable) / PaperShape #papershape #diy #walldecor


DIY wall decor from paper (free printable): tangram cactus in fancy colors /PaperShape #papershape #walldecor #diy #paper

DIY wall decor from paper: how to

Materials needed

  • 2 cardstock paper uni or with pattern (8.5in x 11in) (weight: 65lb-110lb / 176gsm-300gsm)
  • Glue or double-sided tape
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  • Bonefolder / awl / ball pen refill etc.
  • Cutting mat
  • strong glue
Step: Download tangram template

1. Print the tangram template on paper of your choice. In the template you'll find a pattern that you can easily print on the other paper side as I did in this tutorial.

Step: Cutting

2. Cut out the paper parts (A, B, C, ...) by cutting along the solid lines.

Step: Folding

3. Place a ruler on the dotted lines and mark the folds by pressing down hard and running a bonefolder or an awl along the lines. Don't skip this step - no matter what paper you use. The result will look so much better.

Step: Folding paper parts

4. Start with any paper part and place it in front of you. The printed side should be facing you. Subsequently fold all the dotted lines inwards, which means to fold up (short dotted lines).

Step: stick paper parts together

5. Use double-sided tape or any glue onto the unprinted side of the tabs. I use adhesive tape for all the flaps except of the last two ones. Each number exists twice. Stick all the same numbers together in ascending order (1, 2, 3, ...). Start with section 1 and stick it to the section marked 1, pressing firmly enough to make them stick together.

Step: glue

6. For the last two flaps use strong glue. Depending on what paper you use normal glue won't stick good enough and the last paper part will leap up again. Once you glued all the polygons, arrange them as a cactus, glue them on some cardstock and frame it.

more 3D DIY instructions

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