How to make a papercraft Christmas tree #papercraft #christmastree #christmasdecor #crafting #diy

How to make a papercraft Christmas tree?

Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree, how beautiful are your leaves. In Germany this is a famous Christmas song that we especially like singing with our children at Christmas time.

Today I'll show you how to make a really nice 3D papercraft Christmas tree in just a few steps.

You can either put an LED lamp under it like this 3D heart lantern or use as decorative elements for the Christmas table.

Size: HWD 19 x 16 x 14 cm

Step by step: how to make a Christmas tree

Materials needed

  • Donwload template (scroll down)
  • 4 colored papers (8.5in x 11in) (weight: 65lb-110lb)
  • Glue or double-sided tape
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  • Bonefolder / awl / ball pen refill etc.
  • Cutting mat

1. You need 4 pages per Christmas tree. The best will be you use paper with a grammage of up to 230g/m². Print out the template and cut out all solid lines with scissors.

2. Crease all dashed lines with an awl or a bonefolder. Therefore, place a ruler next to the dashed lines and crease the lines by pressing the bonefolder down.

3. Fold the long dashed lines away from you, i.e. downward. Fold the short dashed lines up, i.e. up to you.

4. Use double-sided tape or any glue onto the unprinted side of the flaps. I prefer to craft with adhesive tape because your fingers stay clean. Each number exists twice. Stick all the same numbers together in ascending order (1, 2, 3, ...). Start with section 1 and stick it to the section marked 1 on paper A, pressing firmly enough to make them stick together.

Digital template as pdf
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