fall craft: diy fall wreath with paper strings. easy to make even with children #papershape

Easy diy fall wreath from paper (simple instructions)

When automn comes, it's time to change our home decor from bright summer colors to coizy and warm ones.

If you agree, you should definitely give a try to this paper wreath in orange shades. It is super easy to make and the outcome is stunning. You can hang your paper wreath at a door (though I would recommend to do it inside) or even put it on a table and arrange it together with some candles.

And maybe you wanna pimp your wreath with these cute paper acorns.

fall craft: diy fall wreath with paper strings. easy to make even with children #papershape
fall craft: diy fall wreath with paper strings. easy to make even with children #papershape
fall craft: diy fall wreath with paper strings. easy to make even with children #papershape

How do I make a paper fall wreath from paper strings

Materials needed

  • 4 differently colored papers (8.5in x 11in) (weight: 65lb-110lb)
  • Stick frame, wooden frame or something similar
  • Glue or double-sided tape
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  • Cutting mat




4. S



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