diy billard advent calendar for your boyfriend

How to make a billard Advent calendar for your boyfriend

It is pretty difficult to find nice presents for the boyfriend. But crafting something for him seems to be nearly impossible.

With this billard Advent calendar you are on the safe side! Make these geometric billard balls and fill them with nice things you know he will love.

If you are searching for an alternative, how about making this 3d honeycomb Advent calender?

diy billard advent calendar for your boyfriend
diy billard advent calendar for your boyfriend - free template from #papershape

How to make a billard advent calendar - instructions

Materials needed

  • 8 cardstock paper (8.5in x 11in) (weight: 65lb-110lb / 176gsm-300gsm)
  • Glue or double-sided tape
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  • Bonefolder / awl / ball pen refill etc.
  • Cutting mat
  • Ribbons
  • hole pliers





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more 3D DIY instructions

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