Anastasia Baron

about me

Hi, I'm Anastasia Baron. I'm a paper artist and accidentally studied business administration. PaperShape was created in 2014 from a DIY blog post.

For me, paper art is not about perfection, it's about making. With Papershape, I want to encourage you to just get started - without the pressure that everything has to be perfect. Paper is a great medium for this - simple, accessible to all and full of creative possibilities. I'm still on this journey myself. I want to lose myself in making, not control everything, not always strive for perfection. Just try things out, see what happens and rediscover the fun in the process. And that's exactly what I want to share with you - to show that art doesn't have to be complicated, but one thing above all: free. Papershape stands for lightness, play and letting go. So: grab a pair of scissors, some paper and let's just get started together!

My values

Being me

Do you remember how, as children, we simply tinkered away without worrying about whether it looked „good“? How we lost ourselves in the moment? That is exactly what I want to do again - just let go and be in the now with my paper.

Beauty in simplicity

We often overlook how much beauty there is in simple things. In my paper sculptures, I experiment with simple geometric shapes to find out how far I can reduce the form to maintain the balance between aesthetics and simplicity.

Letting go

Paper is changeable - it can be folded, cut, torn or layered. I want to show you that creativity lies in letting go of ideas and having the courage to rethink. Use your hands to create your own work of art with your own story.

You can do it too

For me, creating with my hands is a natural part of being human. It feels special when something new is created through our own creativity and effort. That's why crafting shouldn't just be for children - it's something that's good for all of us.

© 2014-2025 PaperShape UG (haftungsbeschränkt) & Co. KG